Postpartum &

Parenthood Journey

Video Content


Private Community

Evidence-Based Medicine

Whole Person Approach

Rites and Rituals

Functional and Herbal Medicine

library of Resources




Each of these Journeys aim to provide you with the tools to support, educate and inspire you.

  • The First 40 days

    It is well documented that the outcome of birth is not based on the health of the pregnant person nor the health of the fetus, but it is based on on the practitioner at birth. Choosing your practitioner will be one of the most important decision you’ll make during your pregnancy.

  • Breastfeeding

    Breastfeed can be one of the most naturel and rewarding relationship you’ll have with your newborn. Yet, many are not prepared to set the right fondation for a successful journey.

    In this course, you’ll get all the information that you need to make your journey of breastfeeding the rewarding and empowering relationship it deserves to be.

  • Food as Medicine

    How to prepare yourself and your body to be ready for birth and beyond. What to do to birth encourage your body to birth before post-term or how to advocate to keep let your body and baby to birth in its own time. We will also talks about perineum preparation for birth.


Journey with us!


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